September/October Events

Ongoing: Tuesdays at 10:30 AM
Weekly Storytime
Join Miss Mary every Tuesday at 10:30 AM for stories, songs, and activities for pre-school aged children and their caregivers.
No registration required

Ongoing: 2nd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM
Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Open Meeting
Tuesday, 9/8 at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, 10/13 at 7:00 PM

Warsaw’s Write Connection                                                                                                     Creative Writing Club
First meeting of the 2015/2016 season is Tuesday, September 8 at 6:45 PM
Meetings held 2nd Tues. of each month Sept-May at 6:45 PM
New Members always welcome! No registration!

Readers’ Circle    
Adult Book Discussion
Tuesday, 9/15 7:00 pm: Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes
Tuesday, 10/20 7:00 pm: Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz

Friends’ of the Warsaw Public Library
Tuesday, 9/22 at 7:00 pm
Friends’ Meeting
New members always welcome. Join for as little as $1

Credit Literacy with Five Star  
Thurs., Sept.  24th at 7:00 PM                                                                                                      
Want a five star credit rating?  Don’t just appear in the credits, be a star! All the money in the bank can’t buy good credit. Create “Five Star” Credit!
Learn how you can have five star credit with Heather Hoffmeister from Five Star Bank of Warsaw.
Gain information regarding:                     
· Good credit vs. Bad credit
· The difference between secured and unsecured  credit
· Who has access to your credit?
· Ways to dispute credit discrepancies….and more! Bring your credit questions

Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 PM
Warsaw Salt Baths & Sanitarium
Join us for a special presentation on the Warsaw Salt Baths & Sanitarium with Warsaw resident, Fred Heller. Mr. Heller has done extensive research on the Warsaw Sanitarium which was located on the hill west of the county fairgrounds (now the Warsaw village park). The Sanitarium, constructed in 1890 caught fire and burned to the ground on February 1st, 1897.Step back in history when people from all over visited Warsaw seeking health, rest or pleasure through sanitarium treatment in the “strongest natural salt water baths in America, using the strongest brine in the world”.

Monday, October 12th at 11:00 AM
Dance Party
Missing story time because you're in preschool now?
Come join Miss Mary for a Dance Party on your day off!
Siblings Welcome