Services & Policies

MATERIALS AND SERVICES PROVIDEDOWWL online catalog; circulation of books, audio books, DVDs and videos, magazines, large print books, video games, and other materials for all ages and interests. A variety of print and computer reference materials are available for use at the library, including a Literacy Collection and Job Information Center. Assistance with research questions and informal computer and library skills instruction is offered. Several computers with Internet access, a copy machine, a fax machine, a microfilm reader and wireless Internet access are also available for patron use. The library provides programming for Children, Adults, and special outreach groups. The library also has a meeting room which is available for public use, see the Meeting Room Use policy.

    All patrons must sign up for an OWWL library card before borrowing materials or using computers. The card is free.
    • AGE 16 and up must provide ID with current address
    • AGE 5-17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with ID
    • AGE 0-5 may take out materials on an adult's card. The adult is responsible for these materials.
    Residents of Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming and Livingston counties can apply for an OWWL card. This card gives patrons borrowing privileges at Warsaw Public Library as well as access to the resources in the 42 libraries within the four counties of the Pioneer Library System. Patrons who have outstanding overdue fines ($5.00 and up), or lost or damaged materials fees will lose borrowing privileges and library computer and wireless privileges until an effort to make payments is being made.

    Patrons must present their own library card each time they borrow materials and use library computers and the wireless system. Exceptions: Patrons may pick up interlibrary loan materials for others if they present the card that the materials were requested under. Patrons may check out books for homebound patrons using their own card or that of the patron who is unable to visit the library. Staff may use their best judgment when following borrowing privilege policy, i.e.: if staff person knows patron.

    OWWL card pin numbers can only be obtained in person when patron signs up for a new library card. Patrons must set their own pin number upon the first use of the Evergreen/OWWL catalog from an Internet connected computer. Patrons can reserve items from Internet connected computers using the Pioneer catalog. They can check when items are due or renew items checked out on their card. Staff can reset pin numbers if the patron presents their OWWL card in person or the patron can change their pin number when using the Evergreen/OWWL catalog from an Internet connected computer.

    • All Books, Magazines and Audio books: 21 days
    • Videos and DVDs: 7 days, with a limit 5 per household
    • Two renewals of materials are allowed and more at the discretion of staff, except when another patron has reserved an item.
    DVDs and Videos
    Five DVDs and/or videos total per family may be borrowed at a time for a week, with a $1.00 fine charged per day for overdue titles. Videos may be renewed and DVDs are only renewable at staff discretion. DVDs and videos are returnable at either of the two book drops located at the front and side of the building.
    • Books, Audio books and Magazines: $.20 a day per item
    • DVDs and Videos: $1.00 a day per item
    • Fines accumulate up to $5.00 per item. 
    • Fines do not accumulate on days the library is not open 
    • Patrons who have outstanding overdue fines, or lost or damaged materials fees totaling $5.00 or more will lose borrowing privileges until they make an effort to pay them

    All library patrons will be responsible for the materials they use at, and borrow from, the library. Patrons will be responsible for the cost of replacing materials damaged beyond usefulness and for lost materials. Damaged materials paid for by a patron may be given to him or her if staff deems it possible. Patrons may not purchase the replacement items themselves in lieu of paying the cost of the lost item to the library.

    Interlibrary loan services are available to patrons free of charge when borrowing materials within the 42 member Pioneer Library System. Patrons can put items on hold using the OWWL on-line catalog with or without library staff assistance, and will be notified by phone or e-mail (patrons choice) when the materials they asked for arrive at Warsaw Public Library. Patrons with no outstanding fines may order materials not found in libraries of the Pioneer system by paying a $5.00 non-refundable fee for each item requested. Items ordered through Interlibrary loan that are not picked up after one week will be charged 1.00 per item and the items will be returned to the loaning library.

    • Copies, computer printouts, and microfilm printouts: $.25 per page
    • First three copies for school projects are free
    • Fax charges: sending and receiving $1.00 1st page and $1.00 each additional page for local calls, $2.00 first page and $1.00 each additional page for long distance and $3.00 first page and $1.00 each additional page for international calls
    • Replacement library card: $4.00
    • Patrons who order items through interlibrary loan (holds) and do not pick them up after one week will be charged 1.00 per item and the items will be returned to the loaning library
    The library sponsors programs for all members of the community. An adult must accompany preschool age children when attending a program. If necessary, registration dates and program attendance size will be announced by staff. Programs will be publicized in various manners including, local newspapers, posters, our website, and newsletters.

    Service to children is an important part of the library’s mission. We welcome children in the library and hope that their experiences here will be positive.

    Please keep in mind that the library is a public place open to all individuals. It is not the library staff’s function to provide supervision or to care for unattended children. The following guidelines will help insure a good library experience:
    • For their comfort and safety, a responsible caretaker must accompany children under 7.
    • Any child who feels unsafe in the library for any reason should inform a library staff member.
    • If children are left alone in the library, library staff will attempt to contact a parent or guardian. If no responsible adult can be located, staff will contact the local police department.
    • Caregivers are expected to be aware of the opening and closing times of the library, bearing in mind that these can and do change. Power failures or other emergencies can occur and may require unexpected closing of the building. Since children left alone outside the library could be vulnerable, an effort will be made to contact the parent, guardian, or caregiver prior to closing. If, however, a child is left at the Library after closing time or as the result of an emergency closing, the police will be called.
    • Children ages 7 through 17 may use the library without a caretaker being present. They are expected to adhere to the same standards of conduct expected of adults. All library users are expected to respect library property and to act in a manner appropriate to the use and function of the library. Children who do not use the Library appropriately may be asked to leave the building.
    • The library believes it is the right and responsibility of a parent or guardian to determine what is appropriate material in order to meet personal family standards and guidelines. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children and to select material with their children or review their children’s selections. The library is not responsible for a minor’s selection of library materials.
    • Adults who are using the Internet or other library services and programs must supervise or provide guidance and behavior control for minors accompanying them. The library reserves the right to prohibit Internet use, and/or ask the adults and minor children to leave if unacceptable behavior persists.
    • Library policy requires the signature of a parent or guardian to approve the application for a library card for anyone under age 18.
    • The Library requires the parent or guardian of a minor child to be responsible for all overdue, lost or damaged materials and fines, fees and other debts accrued by a minor child.
    • All children under age 18 must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian, signed on the library permission form in the presence of a library employee, to access the Internet. The library is not responsible for the content or appropriateness of any materials accessed on the Internet.
    • All computers in the Warsaw Public Library are currently filtered in compliance with the Children’s Online Protection Act (CIPA). Filters limit materials accessed by the user, although they do not guarantee that objectionable material will not be seen.
    • Children’s use of all library materials, including the Internet, is the sole responsibility of the parent or guardian.
    • All personal belongings should be kept with patrons at all times. The staff cannot store personal belongings.

    We recognize the importance of codifying and making known to the profession and to the general public the ethical principles that guide the work of librarians, other professionals providing information services, library trustees and library staffs.  Ethical dilemmas occur when values are in conflict. The American Library Association Code of Ethics states the values to which we are committed, and embodies the ethical responsibilities of the profession in this changing information environment. We significantly influence or control the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information. In a political system grounded in an informed citizenry, we are members of a profession explicitly committed to intellectual freedom and the freedom of access to information. We have a special obligation to ensure the free flow of information and ideas to present and future generations.  The principles of this Code are expressed in broad statements to guide ethical decision making. These statements provide a framework; they cannot and do not dictate conduct to cover particular situations.
    1. We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests.
    2. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all efforts to censor library resources.
    3. We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
    4. We respect intellectual property rights and advocate balance between the interests of information users and rights holders.
    5. We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairness, and good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguard the rights and welfare of all employees of our institutions.
    6. We do not advance private interests at the expense of library users, colleagues, or our employing institutions.
    7. We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources.
    8. We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professional development of coworkers, and by fostering the aspirations of potential members of the profession.
    Adopted June 28, 1997, by the ALA Council; amended January 22, 2008.
    Adopted by the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees February 8, 2011.

    Refer to Warsaw Public Library Computer and Internet use policy, which is placed next to public use computers. Those under 17 must have signature of a parent or guardian to be kept on file at the library in order to use the Internet.

    Warsaw Public Library Computer and Internet Use Policy

    Minor Internet Use Permission Form

    The Warsaw Public Library provides both Internet access on library computers and wireless Internet connections for patron laptops to try and ensure free access of ideas and information as well as resources for personal enjoyment and education. Warsaw Public Library is only responsible for the content of those pages bearing its name.

    Pioneer Library System contracts with Time Warner to provide content filtering to ensure its libraries are in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This is in order to remain eligible for certain federal funding. Warsaw Public Library cannot and does not guarantee that the filtering software will block all obscenity, child pornography, or other materials that are harmful to minors. Nor can the Library guarantee that filtering software will not restrict access to sites that may have legitimate research or other value. Parents are therefore ultimately responsible for monitoring the Internet activity of their children even though filtering software is used.

    All Internet access will be limited to legal use in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Neighborhood Act (PL 106-554).

    CIPA Compliant Internet Safety Policy
    1. Users may not access inappropriate matter, such as matter that is obscene, pornographic, threatening or otherwise in violation of community standards.
    2. Users must be cautious when using e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, discussion groups, newsgroups, game rooms, and all other forms of communications. Internet users should be aware that viewing certain materials in the public library might be considered improper in time, place, and manner. Users must respect the rights of other library patrons not to be inadvertently exposed to materials and images that may be considered offensive. The library staff reserves the right to end an Internet session at any time if it is creating a disturbance, and will monitor Internet use by minors to the extent practical.
    3. Users may not engage in unlawful online activities or misrepresentation. Users may not attempt unauthorized access including hacking to any computer system.
    4. Users may not make unauthorized disclosure of, or dissemination of a minor’s personal information by means of Internet, e-mail, or any other electronic technology. A minor is anyone under 17 years old. Those under 17 must have parental permission to disclose personal information.
    Records related to an individual’s Internet use are confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the extent that is necessary for proper library operation, upon request or consent of the user, or where otherwise required by statute.

    1. Card holding patrons may use library computers for up to 2 hours per day. Patrons may use computers for one half-hour per day if other patrons are waiting. Use of computers for school assignments and job searching will take precedence over other uses. This will be determined at staff discretion.
    2. Student Internet users under 17 years old must have the signature of a parent or guardian to be kept on file at the library in order to use the Internet.
    3. Patrons can only reserve computer time in person and for the same day.
    4. Patrons may print out from library computers for $.25 a page.
    5. Only two people are allowed to use a single computer at one time. If both patrons at a computer are minors, both must have signed parental permission on file at Warsaw Public Library.
    6. Wireless users with library cards are limited to a 3-hour session per day.
    7. Library Computer and Wireless users without library cards may sign on as guest users at front desk. The guest must present current photo ID and sign a guest register. Guest passes are good for one time use.
    8. Patrons who have outstanding overdue fines ($5.00 and up), or lost or damaged materials fees will lose computer privileges until an effort to make payments is being made.
    9. Patrons may not block or turn computer monitors in any way.
    10. A patron, who accidentally opens an inappropriate web site and cannot close it, should report this fact to the front desk immediately.

    Board approved November 10, 2009, April 13, 2010, and November 9, 2010, December 14, 2010

    I read and understand the above policy:

    Minor Name: ________________________________________________

    Minor Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________

    Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________


    New York Stats Consolidated Laws
    Civil Practice Law and Rules
    Article 45. Evidence
    NY CLS CPLR § 4509. Library records

    Library records, which contain names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of public, free association, school, college and university libraries and library systems of this state, including but not limited to records related to the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, reference queries, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reserve requests, or the use of audio-visual materials, films or records, shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except that such records may be disclosed to the extent necessary for the proper operation of such library and shall be disclosed upon request or consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena, court order or where otherwise required by statute.


    The Library Director and staff will make continuing effort to stay up to date on new library trends and information, periodically attending professional seminars and updating the Board of Trustees.

    Warsaw Public Library invites local organizations and individuals to submit exhibits of cultural, artistic and educational interest for temporary placement in the display case. Exhibits in the display case are scheduled for 4 to 6 weeks. Reservations for the display case may be made with the library staff at the front desk. The setting up and removing of display materials must be done at the time agreed upon when the space is reserved. Items not removed from the case at the scheduled time will be boxed by library staff and stored at the library. Warsaw Public Library is not responsible for any damage or theft that may occur to an exhibit placed in the library.

    Postings and Handouts and Display Case

    Because Warsaw Public Library is a public institution, discretion must be exercised in the quantity and nature of posters, handouts, and other promotional materials posted in the library. Display space is not available for the sale or promotion of business products or services; nor is it available for political purposes or religious proselytizing.

    In line with the Library Bill of Rights, the Board of Trustees of Warsaw Public Library does not discriminate against any group or individual or the purpose they represent. Acceptance of an exhibit, pamphlet or poster does not imply library endorsement.

    A bulletin board is located near the circulation desk, and pamphlet holders are placed in various locations in the library. Postings of materials will be limited to library items and items of community interest.

    Disclaimer: Warsaw Public Library assumes no legal responsibility for postings and handouts.

    The Warsaw Public Library gift policy is to accept all gifts offered provided that the following provisions are agreeable to the donor. The Library Board may dispose of any gifts as they see fit for the benefit of the Library and its patrons.

    The staff will evaluate any and all donated materials. Useful additions will be put in the library collection. All other materials will go to the annual book sale, unless they are too old or in too bad a condition to be sold.

    Gift items such as furniture, office equipment, and etc. will be evaluated on the basis of usefulness to the staff and patrons. We reserve the right to accept or reject such gifts. We also reserve the right to dispose of gifts when the time comes that they are worn out or become no longer useful, or when new items become available.

    The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label "controversial" views, to distribute lists of "objectionable" books or authors, and to purge libraries. These actions apparently rise from a view that our national tradition of free expression is no longer valid; that censorship and suppression are needed to counter threats to safety or national security, as well as to avoid the subversion of politics and the corruption of morals. We, as individuals devoted to reading and as librarians and publishers responsible for disseminating ideas, wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of the freedom to read.

    Most attempts at suppression rest on a denial of the fundamental premise of democracy: that the ordinary individual, by exercising critical judgment, will select the good and reject the bad. We trust Americans to recognize propaganda and misinformation, and to make their own decisions about what they read and believe. We do not believe they are prepared to sacrifice their heritage of a free press in order to be "protected" against what others think may be bad for them. We believe they still favor free enterprise in ideas and expression.

    These efforts at suppression are related to a larger pattern of pressures being brought against education, the press, art and images, films, broadcast media, and the Internet. The problem is not only one of actual censorship. The shadow of fear cast by these pressures leads, we suspect, to an even larger voluntary curtailment of expression by those who seek to avoid controversy or unwelcome scrutiny by government officials.

    Such pressure toward conformity is perhaps natural to a time of accelerated change. And yet suppression is never more dangerous than in such a time of social tension. Freedom has given the United States the elasticity to endure strain. Freedom keeps open the path of novel and creative solutions, and enables change to come by choice. Every silencing of a heresy, every enforcement of an orthodoxy, diminishes the toughness and resilience of our society and leaves it the less able to deal with controversy and difference.

    Now as always in our history, reading is among our greatest freedoms. The freedom to read and write is almost the only means for making generally available ideas or manners of expression that can initially command only a small audience. The written word is the natural medium for the new idea and the untried voice from which come the original contributions to social growth. It is essential to the extended discussion that serious thought requires, and to the accumulation of knowledge and ideas into organized collections.

    We believe that free communication is essential to the preservation of a free society and a creative culture. We believe that these pressures toward conformity present the danger of limiting the range and variety of inquiry and expression on which our democracy and our culture depend. We believe that every American community must jealously guard the freedom to publish and to circulate, in order to preserve its own freedom to read. We believe that publishers and librarians have a profound responsibility to give validity to that freedom to read by making it possible for the readers to choose freely from a variety of offerings.

    The freedom to read is guaranteed by the Constitution. Those with faith in free people will stand firm on these constitutional guarantees of essential rights and will exercise the responsibilities that accompany these rights.

    We therefore affirm these propositions:

    1. It is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those that are unorthodox, unpopular, or considered dangerous by the majority.

    Creative thought is by definition new, and what is new is different. The bearer of every new thought is a rebel until that idea is refined and tested. Totalitarian systems attempt to maintain themselves in power by the ruthless suppression of any concept that challenges the established orthodoxy. The power of a democratic system to adapt to change is vastly strengthened by the freedom of its citizens to choose widely from among conflicting opinions offered freely to them. To stifle every nonconformist idea at birth would mark the end of the democratic process. Furthermore, only through the constant activity of weighing and selecting can the democratic mind attain the strength demanded by times like these. We need to know not only what we believe but why we believe it.

    2. Publishers, librarians, and booksellers do not need to endorse every idea or presentation they make available. It would conflict with the public interest for them to establish their own political, moral, or aesthetic views as a standard for determining what should be published or circulated.

    Publishers and librarians serve the educational process by helping to make available knowledge and ideas required for the growth of the mind and the increase of learning. They do not foster education by imposing as mentors the patterns of their own thought. The people should have the freedom to read and consider a broader range of ideas than those that may be held by any single librarian or publisher or government or church. It is wrong that what one can read should be confined to what another thinks proper.

    3. It is contrary to the public interest for publishers or librarians to bar access to writings on the basis of the personal history or political affiliations of the author.

    No art or literature can flourish if it is to be measured by the political views or private lives of its creators. No society of free people can flourish that draws up lists of writers to whom it will not listen, whatever they may have to say.

    4. There is no place in our society for efforts to coerce the taste of others, to confine adults to the reading matter deemed suitable for adolescents, or to inhibit the efforts of writers to achieve artistic expression.

    To some, much of modern expression is shocking. But is not much of life itself shocking? We cut off literature at the source if we prevent writers from dealing with the stuff of life. Parents and teachers have a responsibility to prepare the young to meet the diversity of experiences in life to which they will be exposed, as they have a responsibility to help them learn to think critically for themselves. These are affirmative responsibilities, not to be discharged simply by preventing them from reading works for which they are not yet prepared. In these matters values differ, and values cannot be legislated; nor can machinery be devised that will suit the demands of one group without limiting the freedom of others.

    5. It is not in the public interest to force a reader to accept the prejudgment of a label characterizing any expression or its author as subversive or dangerous.

    The ideal of labeling presupposes the existence of individuals or groups with wisdom to determine by authority what is good or bad for others. It presupposes that individuals must be directed in making up their minds about the ideas they examine. But Americans do not need others to do their thinking for them.

    6. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians, as guardians of the people's freedom to read, to contest encroachments upon that freedom by individuals or groups seeking to impose their own standards or tastes upon the community at large; and by the government whenever it seeks to reduce or deny public access to public information.

    It is inevitable in the give and take of the democratic process that the political, the moral, or the aesthetic concepts of an individual or group will occasionally collide with those of another individual or group. In a free society individuals are free to determine for themselves what they wish to read, and each group is free to determine what it will recommend to its freely associated members. But no group has the right to take the law into its own hands, and to impose its own concept of politics or morality upon other members of a democratic society. Freedom is no freedom if it is accorded only to the accepted and the inoffensive. Further, democratic societies are more safe, free, and creative when the free flow of public information is not restricted by governmental prerogative or self-censorship.

    7. It is the responsibility of publishers and librarians to give full meaning to the freedom to read by providing books that enrich the quality and diversity of thought and expression. By the exercise of this affirmative responsibility, they can demonstrate that the answer to a "bad" book is a good one, the answer to a "bad" idea is a good one.

    The freedom to read is of little consequence when the reader cannot obtain matter fit for that reader's purpose. What is needed is not only the absence of restraint, but the positive provision of opportunity for the people to read the best that has been thought and said. Books are the major channel by which the intellectual inheritance is handed down, and the principal means of its testing and growth. The defense of the freedom to read requires of all publishers and librarians the utmost of their faculties, and deserves of all Americans the fullest of their support.

    We state these propositions neither lightly nor as easy generalizations. We here stake out a lofty claim for the value of the written word. We do so because we believe that it is possessed of enormous variety and usefulness, worthy of cherishing and keeping free. We realize that the application of these propositions may mean the dissemination of ideas and manners of expression that are repugnant to many persons. We do not state these propositions in the comfortable belief that what people read is unimportant. We believe rather that what people read is deeply important; that ideas can be dangerous; but that the suppression of ideas is fatal to a democratic society. Freedom itself is a dangerous way of life, but it is ours.

    This statement was originally issued in May of 1953 by the Westchester Conference of the American Library Association and the American Book Publishers Council, which in 1970 consolidated with the American Educational Publishers Institute to become the Association of American Publishers.

    Adopted June 25, 1953, by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee; amended January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; June 30, 2004.

    The freedom to view , along with the freedom to speak, to hear, and to read, is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In a free society, there is no place for censorship of any medium of expression. Therefore these principles are affirmed:

    1. To provide the broadest access to film, video, and other audiovisual materials because they are a means for the communication of ideas. Liberty of circulation is essential to insure the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression.

    2. To protect the confidentiality of all individuals and institutions using film, video, and other audiovisual materials.

    3. To provide film, video, and other audiovisual materials which represent a diversity of views and expression. Selection of a work does not constitute or imply agreement with or approval of the content.

    4. To provide a diversity of viewpoints without the constraint of labeling or prejudging film, video, or other audiovisual materials on the basis of the moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer or filmmaker or on the basis of controversial content.

    5. To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, every encroachment upon the public's freedom to view.

    This statement was originally drafted by the Freedom to View Committee of the American Film and Video Association (formerly the Educational Film Library Association) and was adopted by the AFVA Board of Directors in February 1979. This statement was updated and approved by the AFVA Board of Directors in 1989. Endorsed January 10, 1990, by the ALA Council.

    The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
    1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
    2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
    3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
    4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
    5. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
    6. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

    Adopted June 18, 1948, by the ALA Council; amended February 2, 1961; amended June 28, 1967; amended January 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 24, 1996.

    Goal- to guide library staff in selection of materials and inform the public about the principles upon which the selections are made.

    Objectives- to select materials in a variety of formats, which assist people in the library service area to:
    • Educate themselves continually
    • Keep pace with progress in all fields of knowledge
    • Develop their creative and spiritual capacities
    • Contribute to the growth of knowledge
    • Make use of leisure time
    Authority- The authority and responsibility for the selection of library materials are delegated to the library director and to staff under his/her direction. Suggestions from patrons are welcome and given consideration within the criteria from selection.

    Criteria- points considered in the selection of materials:
    • Enduring value
    • Accuracy of information
    • Current high interest
    • Literary quality
    • Authority of presentation
    • Social significance
    • Objectivity
    • Balance of subject areas
    • Price and availability
    • Present and future needs of the community
    • Physical format
    DVDs- The library purchases a wide variety of titles for our DVD collection. Feature films, non-fiction and family titles are purchased to meet popular patron demand and include a wide range of film genres.

    Video Games- Video games are selected based upon popularity, rating, and format to meet the recreational needs of patrons. No game will be purchased with a rating higher than T (Teen 13+).

    Weeding- An up-to-date useful, appealing collection is maintained by replacing and removing materials on a continuous basis. Examples of materials removed include outdated and worn ones, and materials no longer in demand.
    Money donations for memorials and dedications may be used to purchase materials, equipment or furniture as designated by the donor. Refer to donations and gifts policy above.

    In line with the Library Bill of Rights, the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees holds the choice of library materials by patrons is an individual matter. While a person may reject materials for himself, he may not exercise censorship to restrict access to the materials by others.

    In recognizing that a diversity of materials may result in some requests for reconsideration, the following procedures have been developed to assure that objections, complaints and suggestions are handled in an attentive and consistent manner.

    The person with the request for reconsideration should be referred immediately to the Library Director or to the person in charge in the absence of the Director. The person in charge should explain to the patron that selections are made in accordance with the Materials Selection Policy of Warsaw Public Library. If the user is not satisfied with the explanation received, he or she may ask for reconsideration in the following manner:

    1. The person making the request for reconsideration must complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form.
    2. The filled out form will be referred to a committee consisting of the Library Director and other staff members who select items.
    3. The committee will reconsider the item in question using the Materials Selection Policy and reviews from recognized sources.
    4. The Library Director will then write to the patron regarding the committee’s recommended action.
    If the patron desires further action, he or she may appeal in writing to the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees.

    Warsaw Public Library Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form

    To the person requesting reconsideration:
    Library policy requires that complaints be filed on this form. A copy of Warsaw Public Library Materials Selection Policy will be made available to you, along with the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement and Freedom to View Statement which have been adopted by the Board of Trustees.



    Format: Book__, Video__, Audio book__, Other__


    Copyright/year released

    Request initiated by:



    Do you represent yourself__? Name of Organization or other group representing:__

    To help us in our response, please answer as many of the following questions as possible. Use reverse side as necessary.

    1. Specifically, to what do you object in the material?

    2. Did you read, listen to, or view the material in its entirety? If not, what parts did you examine?

    3. What is good about this material?

    4. For what age group would you recommend this material?

    5. Other comments:

    Please return this form to the Library Director. A decision regarding the material in question will be returned to you within one-month time. If you desire further action, you may then appeal to the Warsaw Library Board of Trustees in writing.

    At Warsaw Public Library the Board of Trustees strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for its staff and patrons within the building and on the grounds. Therefore the following policies have been established:

    Rules of Conduct
    The following behaviors and activities are not allowed in the library or on the grounds:
    • Behavior of a patron that constitutes a disruption which interferes with others use and enjoyment of the library or the functioning of library staff such as talking loudly with others in person or on a cell phone, using abusive language, or subjecting others to uninvited conversations with intent to annoy others, or not following the Internet Use Policy.
    • Behavior that is unsafe to others or can reasonably be expected to damage library property or the property of others such as shoving, throwing things, using skateboards, scooters, bicycles, or roller blades on library property
    • Leaving personal property unattended (Library staff cannot keep items for patrons at the front desk and bicycles and scooters must be parked in the bicycle rack out front and it is the patrons responsibility to secure all their property.)
    • Any behavior that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating, or offensive.
    • Soliciting (such as selling or distributing items)
    • Entering the library building without shoes and/or shirt
    • Bringing animals other than service animals into the library
    • Trespassing in non-public areas of the librarY
    • Behavior that is prohibited by law
    To our Patrons: Please inform a staff member if you feel another’s behavior or activity is unreasonably interfering with your use of the library or you feel unsafe. Any determination by library staff that a rule of behavior has been violated must be supported either by direct and reasonable observations of or by complaints made by other persons that, in the judgment of staff, appear reasonably true.


    Rules of Conduct-Minor Violations
    Staff members are empowered to determine the severity of the Rules of Conduct violations that they observe. If a violation is considered minor, i.e. if there is no immediate threat of danger to staff or patrons or threat of damage to library property- the following steps will be taken.
    1. Staff will give the patron one warning, either verbally or in writing using the Violation Notice form and Rules of Conduct pamphlet (attachments)
    2. If the patron persists with the behavior for which he or she has been notified, he/she will be asked to leave the premises for the rest of the day.
    3. If the person does not comply with the request to leave the premises the police will be called. If this step is taken, the incident becomes a major violation.
    Rules of Conduct-Major Violations
    If a staff member observes a patron involved in a significantly serious violation of the Rules of Conduct such as any behavior that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating, or offensive, or behavior that is prohibited by law which may include but is not limited to-theft, vandalism, harassment, threats, criminal activity, or violent or dangerously reckless behavior, the staff member will proceed as follows.
    1. Staff will call the police “911”
    2. The supervising staff person who is present should oversee the documentation of the incident as well as its resolution. (Incident Report-Attachment)
    Incident Reports
    Incident reports should be filed:
    1. In all cases where it is necessary to confront a patron for a minor violation and patron has to be asked to leave for the day because of non-compliance.
    2. In all cases of major violations of the Rules of Conduct.
    3. In cases where any patron persists in minor violations of the Rules of Conduct.
    Incident reports are used to document safety and security issues and should be filled out as completely as possible. Incident reports are to be kept in a file at the front desk and staff will notify other staff of new incidents or Repeat Offenders.

    A. If a patron commits a major violation of the Rules of Conduct

    B. Or if a patron persists in documented minor rules of conduct violations, i.e. Repeat Offender

    The Library Board delegates authority to the Director to ban a patron from the library for a period of time. If the Director is unavailable, all staff members may temporarily ban an individual for the rest of the day. A patron may be banned from library premises for one week up to six months under the circumstances A. or B.

    1. The Director shall consult with the staff and Board President about the incident.
    2. The Director will decide the appropriate length of banning.
    3. The Director will provide a written determination letter specifying the reasons for the banning and the appeal process and a copy of the Warsaw Public Library Safety Policy to the patron who committed the Major Violation of the Rules of Conduct or to the repeat offender who it is deemed it is appropriate to ban, within one business day.
    4. The Director may review or reconsider the decision or the banning length upon written request by the patron and issue any changes in writing to the patron.
    5. Library Staff will be kept appraised of the status of the banning.
    6. The Library Board will be kept appraised of the banning in writing and a copy of the written determination letter will be forwarded to the Warsaw Village Police.
    7. The Library Director and the Library Board may permanently ban a patron who has commited a Major Violation.
    Appeal Procedure
    The Director's second written determination may be appealed in writing to the Library Board within 10 days after the patron receives the Library Director’s second determination letter. Such notice shall be filed with both the Library Director and the Library Board President, c/o Warsaw Public Library, 130 N. Main St. Warsaw NY 14569.

    Support of Staff Members’ Actions
    The Director and Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees will support library staff members who have acted on their best judgment in confronting a person who has violated the Rules of Conduct.

    Incident Report

    Warsaw Public Library Incident Report
    Time of Day:
    Staff on Duty:
    Description of Incident:
    Calls to:Director:
    Emergency Squad:
    Person Writing Report:

    Written Determination Letter


    TO: _________________________________________________

    on ____________ at approximately ____________ you were observed at the Warsaw Public Library.

    _____ Violating the Rules of Conduct Policy

    _____in the library dispite previous banning until _________________


    Because of the conduct listed above, and/or other history of inappropriate conduct at Warsaw Public Library, you are banned from until the date listed below. If you enter Warsaw Public Library before the return date listed below, police will be called and you will subject to being arrested for trespassing.

    You may file a written request to Director, Warsaw Public Library, 130 N Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569 to reconsider this ban from Warsaw Public Library. Your written request shall set forth your reasons for reconsideration of the ban. The length of this ban from Warsaw Public Library shall remain as stated in this document unless the director issues a written determination altering the terms of this document.

    BANNED FROM LIBRARY ________________________

    RETURN DATE __________________________________

    Staff initials: ______________


    No smoking is allowed in the library or on any library grounds.

    At Warsaw Public Library the Board of Trustees strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for its staff and patrons. In pursuit of this objective, selected public areas of the library premises are equipped with video cameras that are recording at all times. The video security cameras will be positioned to record only those areas specified by the Director, and will complement other measures to maintain a safe and secure environment in compliance with library policies. Signage will be posted at the library entrance disclosing this activity. Camera locations shall not be changed or added without the permission of the Director. The Library’s video security system shall be used only for the protection and safety of patrons, employees, assets and property.

    Reasonable efforts shall be made to safeguard the privacy of patrons and employees. Video cameras shall not be positioned in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of personal privacy such as restrooms, employee break or changing rooms.

    Images from the Library video security system are stored digitally on hardware in the Library. It is the intent of the Library to retain all recorded images for approximately 14 days. Typically, images will not be continuously monitored in real-time, nor reviewed by library staff, except when specifically authorized by the Director or other Authorized Employee.

    When an incident occurs on Library premises:
    • Video image recordings may be used to identify the person or persons responsible for Library policy violations, criminal activity, or actions considered disruptive to normal Library operations.
    • Video records may be used to assist law enforcement agencies in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
    • Video recordings of incidents can be retained and reviewed as long as considered necessary by the Library Director.
    • Images may be shared with other Library staff to identify person(s) suspended from Library property and to maintain a safe and secure environment.
    • While it is recognized that video surveillance will not prevent all incidents, its potential deterrent effect, and resource as a means of identifying and prosecuting offenders is considered worthwhile.

    Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees approved 2/8/05, updated 12/2006, 4/2007,  4/2010, 8/2010, 10/12/10, 12/14/10.

    Rules and Regulations: In line with the Library Bill of Rights, the Warsaw Public Library welcomes the use of its meeting room for activities of a civic, cultural, and educational nature. The room is not available for purely social or religious purposes, for benefit of private individuals or commercial concerns, or where, in the judgment of the Library Director, disorder may be likely to occur. The room is available to nonprofit groups in the community regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of their members. Library-oriented programs will be given preference for use of the room. It is understood that all meetings held will be open to the public, should anyone wish to attend. Upon adequate notice and for adequate reasons, the Library Director reserves the right to revoke permission to use the meeting room.

    Reservations: Requests for the use of the meeting room should be made to the Library Staff as much in advance as possible. It is the responsibility of the group to schedule the meeting room.

    Regulations: To be posted in the Meeting Room
    1. No admission fee may be charged or collection taken.
    2. No product of service may be sold without the permission of the Library Director.
    3. Light refreshments may be served, providing organizations provide their own utensils and clean up.
    4. Organizations requiring special audiovisual equipment must request well in advance, as the library may be required to borrow it from the Pioneer Library System.
    5. Any organization using the room is responsible for setting it up according to their needs and returning it to the order in which it was found.
    6. All publicity for the meeting room use is the responsibility of the organization, and the address of the library may not be the official address of the organization.
    7. Youth organizations using the meeting room must have at least one adult over 21 present at all times.
    8. Scheduling of the meeting room during hours the library is not open is discouraged.
    9. No group or organization using the meeting room will discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or handicapped status in the provision of services.